- Capacities up to 3 cubic meters per minute.
- We can reach out on a bridge over rivers, under power lines, and over low
- ground up to 1,000 meters in length.
- We can pour bridges up to 50 meters wide.
- The thicker the bridge, the better the Rotec systems work.
- Of other great importance is its ability to handle any type of concrete, without the contractor having to spend money to make it pump-able. In many cases with lightweight concrete, it’s not pump-able no matter what you do and/or always poses the risk of pIug up.
Bridge Systems
It’s always good to find your roots and whether they are still valuable today. We have been involved in more than 500 bridge pours in the United States and many around the world.
Experience does count. Rotec has that experience and the proven equipment to put that experience to work today. In the last year, we have revamped, reinvented and improved our equipment and we would like to offer th is to our customers worldwide.
As highIight, our systems have: